6F4P Tube

JCM800 preamp, split load phase inverter and just 3 tubes (maybe 3 watts…). It’s a little amp the whole family can tolerate. There’s a write […]

6F4P Trainwreck Liverpool
This one is a rewire of my Trainwreck based Gimlet amp that I built years ago. It’s very similar but I went from 6F3Ps to […]

6F4P Trainwreck Liverpool inspired amp
After months of doing absolutely nothing I’ve finally done some more amp stuff. I’ve rewired my old Gimlet amp into a Trainwreck Liverpool inspired screamer […]

Funkaroni Clips
Here are a couple clips of the Funkaroni. I’ll do a more complete write up on this amp at some point in the near future. […]

6F4P Plexi
After doing my Trainwreckish TMC1 with a single ended 6F4P (Russian ECL84/6DX8 equivalent) I wanted to try a push pull amp using 2 6F4Ps and […]

Another 6F4P Plexi video
Here is another video of my little Marshall Plexi amp built with 6F4P power tubes. This time I’m using a strat with a mahogany body […]