The Meta4

May 9, 2017 admin 14

I built another low watt amp using 6F4Ps. It’s a straightforward little guy that does pretty well clean or cranked and puts out about 4 […]

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May 9, 2017 admin 6

This is another low watt amp, probably about 4 watts, using 6F4P (Russian ECL84, 6DX8 equivalent) power tubes. With these 6F4P amps I’m always trying […]

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January 3, 2016 admin 0

JCM800 preamp, split load phase inverter and just 3 tubes (maybe 3 watts…). It’s a little amp the whole family can tolerate. There’s a write […]

A 6N6P Based Amp

April 27, 2015 admin 0

I just finished and amp I had been working on for a while. It used a 6N6P triode based push pull output section. The 6N6P […]

6F4P Plexi

June 7, 2013 admin 6

After doing my Trainwreckish TMC1 with a single ended 6F4P (Russian ECL84/6DX8 equivalent) I wanted to try a push pull amp using 2 6F4Ps and […]